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Oil & Gas Upstream

Delivering Excellence in Oil and Gas Upstream 

Radix actively engages in both onshore and offshore operations. With a rich history of successful actuation in over 70 offshore assets and deep industry expertise in the FPSO industry, Radix provides intelligent design solutions for Capital Projects, Operation Intelligence, and Asset Management, optimizing production, reducing costs, and enhancing maintenance, integrity, and risk management.  

Optimizing Operations for the Energy Industry 

Tailored to address the sector's unique challenges and ever-changing field, Radix empowers you to achieve your goals more efficiently and transforms your Oil and Gas Upstream operations and broader Energy Industry endeavors into a driving force for sustainable success. 

Meet Our Industry Leader & Connect with us, today!

Tarik Siqueira

VP of Upstream, Midstream and Power, Radix NA

Committed to Your Goals:

To learn more about how Radix helps our customers turn their digital initiatives into digital wins, please read our latest infographic today.

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